Demelza after care & cold cot

After the loss of Oliver and in the previous blogs, you all know that he was due to come to the Demelza hospice. Well Oliver arrived there the day after he passed, and we received the phone call that morning saying we could go and see him. Apprehensive I wasn't sure if I wanted to go and see Oliver, the thoughts crossed my mind, would he look the same as when I left him in hospital, and what would be different. It was the unknown that made me extremely anxious, and I did speak to Frances about this. I had, had this perfect image of him not only the day before of him so peaceful and calm looking that I didn't want to poison that image with another one that wouldn't look the same. I didn't even know if I wanted family to go and see him, I didn't want my son to be a show thing to just go and see, but at the same time they were his family and had the right to pay respects. In a brief conversation myself and Frances decided that family could come and see Oliver one las...