digression pt2 sorry

So I got a phone call tonight from Demelza hospice.
The place where my son went after he had passed.
I was asked if I would like to join a group on Facebook to do with the loss of a child...
Willingly I accepted. Man if I’d have known I was going to see a family I met at Ronald McDonald house, I still would have accepted but I would’ve taken time to prepare myself for the fact that this would hit me like a tonne of bricks.
In the coming future of my story this family will make their debut. Only by joining that Facebook group, I found out their son didn't make it. 
This has hit me hard, we are approximately a half an hour drive away from each other, furthermore, we shared the same residence at Ronald McDonald and their son was one room over from mine.
Please take a moment of silence for them.

The hard parts are who do you tell this information to? Who will listen? Should I keep my thoughts to myself? 
Also I don't know what I'm really feeling; how do I even articulate all of these emotions?

The lady at Demelza spoke to me after and this was a big help, although I still don't quite know how to feel.

Any way 23wks +0... still to come... stay tuned


  1. Hey, I am still following your blog. You doing fantastic job of writing, and I am glad you can open up in any way shape or form of how you feeling. #keeptalking. Or writing 👍 xx


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