17th Feb its a boy

Fast forwards a month and a bit and it was the 17th of February. Things between Frances and I were perfect. At this point of the year, Covid was only just starting to become a permanent fixture in the news, but from what I can recall, it was making its way around the world and causing concern, but was still at a very early stage.

Anyway, we had a gender scan booked (one of the early fancy ones) and we were so happy to see what we were having. We took a few family members and my daughter, she was excited to see if she had a brother or sister.
I wasn't fussed, I mean one of each would have been nice but I didn't mind and Frances didn't particularly mind either.

The old familiar phrase of "as long as its healthy I don't mind" was said among us all. I have to be honest with you, that phrase has stuck with me. My perception of that phrase has changed, because what was about to happen, and the road we were about to travel... well nothing could’ve prepared us for what we were about to face.
Looking back, healthy or otherwise, the underlying love you have for an unborn baby is incomparable. Of course you would love them even if they weren’t healthy... so in my eyes, and in my opinion, its a horrible phrase to use ... imagine if someone has had an unhealthy baby and then goes on to have another pregnancy, and they are asked what are you having to then just be met with "I don't suppose you mind as long as its healthy" ... I personaly would feel a deep sense of hurt because I now couldn't care less; healthy or otherwise, my love would be unconditional...

Funny little life lessons that make you reflect 😔

Anyway... we had the scan, all was healthy much to our delight, and we found out we were having a lovely baby boy... no concerns, everything was good.
For me, everything was as smooth as I remember from my daughter’s pregnancy from a previous relationship. 

Our next step was our 20wk scan ...


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