First baby vest, sound and the lid off, also accommodation and more.

7th June: unfortunatly on this day neither I or frances could attend the hospital, it was so long ago now, but I belive this to be a weekend, we usually went home on the weekends.
The only interaction we got on these days was from the vcreate, but it was better than nothing.

Sitting at home always worried as you do, knowing your helpless little child is laying in an incubator, and you're not there, it has this unimaginable mental strain.
It's something you can't write about or explain fully, unless you have been through it.
Fortunatly for us we got the best vcreate video imaginable. To this day I would have to say out of all the videos and pictures, this is still my favourite.

(Comparison to an average full term baby vest 0-3 months)

In the video below you are going to see Oliver in his very first baby vest, but also you are going to hear him make the first sound he has ever made.

As much as this video brings me so much joy, I can't help but feel like I missed out, as I wasn't there to witness it first hand. 
That sound of the little squeek and him in his little vest, had me thinking, now he really is looking like a real baby.
All made up and dressed making sounds, that's how babies should be. Again with Oliver that was always a dream.

I want you to take a moment, and for some of you this is already a reality, but imagine not being able to hear your baby make a sound or cry. Again for us this was a reality, so this sound was one of the best sounds ever.

On the 8th of June, Oliver was only requiring 21% oxygen, again that was like best case scenario.
Unfortunately they had to go back to the tube ventilation over night, this was due to him struggling, little did we know at the time, but this plays a significant part in olivers story. 
I remember just being so happy yet so sad and confused. Alot of the things that kept moving foward, kept being moved back again.
However many times I was told this is common it never took away the fact that I thought he will never be free of this living nightmare, neither will I.

The good news is that they said they are going to try him again today, but this all depends on how he is.
This never happend as unfortunatly he was slightly unsettled. 

On other news, I got a birthday card from Oliver. This had his footprints in and a lovely message. The lengths the nurses and every professional at the hospital went to, just make me so proud.

Further adding to the good news of the day, we got a call from the Ronald McDonald charity home, we had been given a room. Ecstatic at this news, this meant we could stay and not have to worry about going home and coming back, this place was secure for the foreseeable future, well all the while Oliver was in london. (Read more about this in my digression, Accommodation)

Small bonus news:
He was 3lbs 1oz and was on 5.5ml milk.

9th June, not so much news on this day, but his milk is going up to 6.5ml. And they are going to do a scan on the 10th June for bowel.

Major news, well for us anyway, as you can see above in the picture, the lid has been taken off his incubator. 
This small change had a major impact on the way we could interact with Oliver from now on.
There was no more looking through plastic, and feeling so close, but also feeling as you were 100 miles away.
I truly belive this helped us bond even closer with Oliver, no more muffled sounds, we could tell him we loved him and he could hear us loud and clear.

Next, few up and down days.


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