R,o,p stage 2, recycling and needing to see the gastro team.

16th June: I went in to see Oliver on this day, I know this because in the photos my hand is in them lol.
Oliver had gained some new items, he had gained a pair of socks on his hands, not mittens but socks. It seemed Oliver was one for pulling out his breathing tube, so as a precautionary measure he had these on till we got him some mittens.

Laying there all snug, looking relaxed and just had all his cares done, Oliver was just so calm. I sat with him for a good few hours before going back. As I was just leaving the doctors explained he was having an eye test today. It was good timing for me, as explained previously, I hate the eye tests. 

Returning a few hours later after some lunch and coffie the nurses/doctors pulled me aside. It seemed the routine eye tests had picked up some abnormalities in his eyes.
They had suspected that this was stage 2 R,O,P.
For those who may not know the link is below.


Although the nurses said stage 2 isn't cause for major concern, I can assure you this didn't put me at ease.
His eyesight was one of the main things that had me worried. I can't tell you the amount of times I had worried about him possibly being blind. So to to find out now that he has stage 2 R,O,P just triggered the pannic mode setting in my brain. 

The next step was to do more eye tests and more regularly, this was to keep ontop of it. Oliver would also more than likely need laser eye surgery. Again just the word surgery had me feeling anxious, think that became a trigger word after all the surgery he had already.

Also upon my return, they had said they also tried to do the recycling, but they couldn't access the other part of the bowel to inject the water into. (try and get him to poo basicly) 
They wanted to schedule another contrast scan just to double check his bowel and the progress.
This was to check for narrowing of the bowel, but again this might just be due to his size.

Sitting by his side and just taking it all in, trying to process all the information I just recived. Oliver was sound asleep, and not phased by anything. It was always nice to see him just chilled out. It had this way of taking all the stress away, there's a peaceful essence just watching him sleep.

While he was sleeping the nurse spoke to me and said he is being put forward to see the gastro team. They had concerns he wasn't meeting the weight chart for where he needed to be.
With this concern in mind they said they couldn't up his feeds, this was due to his stoma output was reaching its maximum output. What is meant by this is, his feeds were going through him to fast and he wasn't having the time for his body to absorb the nutrients ect, this was just building up in his stoma.

On the plus side he was still doing well with 21% oxygen, his other test seemed normal such at blood gasses ect.
Still on 8ml per hour 

Next, back on high frequency ventilator, infection and next stages of stoma reversal


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